Monday, April 20, 2015

Kermit Lynch

And trying to cobble together a few starting place fragments, for an organization to follow. There are innumerable books/articles/posts on soil composition-- for it to work here and now, I must combine the personal with the scientific. I have to find a way in, a scratching place, a tiny toe-hold in this vast rock face. EG

best Vouvray vineyard sites, (acc. to Loyau)

La Bourdonnerie. A wild site where bumblebees (les bourdons) seek shelter.
Bel air. A well-situated site that has a pretty appearance.
Barguins. A vineyard created after much hesitation by the proprietors. They shilly-shallied (barguigner) for a long time before deciding to plant.
Bois Rideau (frost curtain). A forest rises above the vineyard sheltering it from frost and hail.
Gaimont. A knoll that receives lots of sunshine.
Paradis. Vines that prduce the fruit of the Creator.
Les Gais d'Amant. A site preferred by lovers.
Les Maderes. A vineyard near the village of Vernou whose wine in certain years has a flavor reminiscent of Madeira.
La Reveillerie. A vineyard with an eastern exposure that receives the earliest rays of sun (reveil=awakening).
La Queue de Merluche. A parcel of vines that is shaped like a salted cod's tail, which we call merluche (queue=tail).

Kermit Lynch, Adventures on the Wine Route, 43

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