Monday, April 20, 2015

a place to start:

In Pays Nantais, there are 3 main soil types: sandy soils, soils from acid rock rich in potassic minerals, and soils from basic rock rich is ferromagnesian minerals. The sedimentary rock is made up of armoricain sandstone and schist, magmatic granite or gabbros rocks, and metamorphic gneiss, micaschist, amphibolite or serpentinite rocks.
In Anjou, the sub-soil is mainly composed of argillaceous slate, sandy shale and carboniferous schist from the Armorican Massif. Eruptive seams of spilite, rhyolite and phtanite are also found here.

In Touraine, the sub-soil is composed of chalk limestone from the Paris Basin with clay-limestone and flinty clay soils; the terraces of the banks of the Loire and the Vienne are made of sand and gravel. The banks of the Cher are often made of flinty clay soils.


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