Tuesday, May 5, 2009

how do cities grow?
as an organism with parts that (slow) connect to form a body?

growth (inside or out)
in: personal movement through space, tracks of transportation

processional: p. 105 Trachtenberg

113 Trac. “thickening”
114 nodal points (emptying and filling)
skeleton parts (railroads, roads, transportation, freeways, mail routes?)

job: trajectory (Biddy Mason, etc)
memory (‘visible residue’, invisible legacies)
personally relevant history/passage through specific landscape (LA), only recorded in memory when it really engages you
p. 153 Hayden
processional, ritualistic

out: grid

116 Trac.
rule of real estate over communal

*118 Trac*
overarching grid “inflicted on the body of the city”

city never a still finished thing (The Republic);


forever a passage.

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