Saturday, October 11, 2014

Attributes of the Lovers

Sifting through old writings I came upon this enchanted tiny fragment.  As I continue to read and study and write-- over the years the tracery of my thoughts overlap.  I find much comfort in the repetition of obsessive themes-- as my thoughts circle back like wing-beats to a similar theme I can try again to overlay the trace paper with something more true, more frilled and delicate.  I have always tried to write about a spiritual beloved-- to outline the shape of ecstatic love with the graphite dust from everyday passions, from real figures and shapes.  How to address this type of love/ beloved except with constant praises and attention?

Attributes of the Lovers:
Magpie, orchids, alexandrite, tourmaline, Iceland spar, wormwood, ergot and ecbolics, ominous appearances, banshees (?)

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