Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Bright Sun Food Day!

Waking up to magic light.
Isastegi Basque cider, prism light, good for breakfast drinking (on holidays) and while cooking.
Tarte aux poireaux.
Happy kitchen. My friends are doing all of the hard stuff this year, I got off easy with vegetable dishes and cider. Just had a long talk with my grandmother (turning 90 next week), who tells me she still misses waking up at 5:00 am to put the turkey in. I do too. She said she also wants to hug me 'til I pop, and wishes you could hug through telephones. I don't usually get sentimental around holidays, but she is an exception, also the smell of caramelizing carrots in my oven, and a browned leek-creme fraiche tart that is chock full of black pepper, and (as an old chef boyfriend of mine once said, somewhat lecherously, "full of love").

Drink good wine people, an drink it with funny and sweet friends.

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