Wednesday, May 25, 2011


What a treat. The most generous customer ever gave me four tickets for the ballet last night. One of the things I love best about the whole thing has been establishing a relationship with this beautiful woman based on wine. Over the last two weeks she has had me put together at least 6 cases of wine for her. There is a huge amount of trust here, and it is one of the things I like to do best. I like to put together a collection of wines that rounds itself out, that is complimentary inside itself, that is complete, but also pushes interest outside of the wines that are included.

And I love to think about how each one will play off of another. I will list them in a next post, as I have to write up wine descriptions, but I love finding the threads of story that are inherent through a really good collection of bottles.

Maybe it makes sense that I just got my Masters degree in Curatorial studies. I am really excited and interested in the interplay between beautiful things, and the live way that they refract off of each other. This experience with her was really something, and a huge challenge.

There was not really a limit on price, she said she just wanted special things-- that were either interesting in some way, or had a story, or that I liked ALOT. I sold her on some Chandon de Brailles and Vega Sicilia 'Valbuena' simply by the tone in which I was describing them,,,, when it turned out we didn't have these in stock, she wouldn't even look at the comparable burgundy and old vintage gorgeous Ardanza. It made me feel better actually, because it made me think about wine much more carefully, and you have to kind of let go control a bit, and let it take on a momentum of its own. List to come soon,, here are some photos from the ballet last night. Thank you Priscilla!

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